
Showing posts from July, 2014


THE MEANING... Did I lose myself while on the journey to my dream... ~true indeed...what I feel right now ~not about the result but the effort... ~don't expect too much from others..they don't go through what you've been through.. ~move on..don't stay and expect other to understand you.. YOU ARE YOU THEY ARE THEY ~don't ever lose hope..HE'll always with you.. ~it's not a crime to be happy but don't overdose with it... #EXO OVERDOSE~~ ~have faith in HIM~ be patient and calm... ~true..once he goes, he never come back if he never was here before.. if he comes means something.. let times flows the way it is.. enough trying... 1:57 July 4, 2014 ~in the middle of studying CFA final exam..afraid but don't give up and never give up hope.. be strong inside and outside.. May ALLAH SWT ease and Ramadhan heals your pain.. Months full of Barakah.. hope this ends soon without any ...