Sunan Musafir

Assalamualaikum to all…

It has been a long time since I wrote something..i do have something in mind but I can’t write about’s stuck in my head..

Currently I had been finishing Sunan Musafir..for me it’s a bit disappointing because I really wanna know what happen with Laksamana Sunan but the story about them end in I had no clue whether Laksamana Sunan does has a decendants of his traits..huhu..i am disappointed..

But at least the story of Laksamana Sunan did end..huhu..although not up to my expectation..i know not many of u did follow sunan’s story, so for you guys information this novel titled Sunan Musafir is the 6th trilogy of Bagaikan Puteri..
The order of the novels are Bagaikan Puteri, Cinta Sang Ratu, Hijab Sang Pencipta, Cinta Sufi, Sutera Bidadari and last but not least Sunan Musafir.

But in my possession, I only had 4 of the novels..hehe..which are Cinta Sang Ratu, Cinta Sufi, Sutera Bidadari and latest Sunan Musafir..i loved all of them because I follow the sunan’s story..but the true reason, I really liked all of the RAM novel..all of them are very good novels..i don’t really like romantic novel , that’s why I loved RAM novels..RAM stands for Ramlee Awang Murshid whose is thriller + fiction novelist..

This is the latest Sunan Musafir..

I really loved reading novel during my free time, especially during break after Diploma..that’s all I wanna say..wishing all of you happy all the time..hoping he also happy as I always wanted him to be..take care..saranghae!

June 2, 2012
Don’t think too much of you problem..try let it go..~~


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