Words + Gift from Chingoo(special one)

 “People never know how special someone is until they leave, but maybe sometimes its important to leave, so they are giveb that chance to see how special that someone really is”

One of my friends said this to me through card. It touchs my heart and tears are dropping. I am never expecting her to give me gift on my last day in UiTM Kuala Pilah and I really appreciated it. I love it so much..

Maybe this post is very2 late but I still want to write about it. Thanks and nomu2 kamsahamida for Norsila for giving me the present. I will take good care of it and remember it as a symbiol to our friendship. I hope our friendship remains and this ukhuwah become brighter abd brighter day after day. Thanks a lot for being such a good friend to me.

These words are specially for you and all my readers.

this two flower are for you sila..hehe..take it..:P

With love from my heart..:))

April 18, 2012
-grateful for being your fren- 


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